Blog by PB: "Our Only True Witness"

     As we have mentioned before, the Holy Spirit is a Person. One of the most important things we can do in our walk with God is to get to know the Holy Spirit as a Person. 
     There are many reasons why we can refer to Him as a Person. He has an intellect (1 Cor.2:10). He has a will (1 Cor.12:11). He can speak (Gal.4:6). He has emotions; He can love; He is the Spirit of love (Rom.5:5). He can be lied to ( Acts 5:3).  These are just a few examples.  We will get into more detail on this in the future, but the one thing that sets Him apart is, He is our witness.
     Before the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit was involved in everything that God did. He is a witness to the plans that God has for us. In Jeremiah 29:11, He says through the prophet Jeremiah, "I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
     The Holy Spirit is a witness and was involved in all the covenants that God made with man throughout the ages. Every time God made a covenant or a promise to those who would be faithful, He revealed Himself and His intentions for mankind.
     The Holy Spirit was present when God made a covenant with Abraham, marching through the halves of the sacrifices declaring and decreeing His goodness and His intentions for mankind (Gen.15:1-20). This was just a prelude to one final and awesome act of God for Him to have fellowship with man, His creation.  
     You might ask, how does this help me? I already know the Holy Spirit is omniscient--all knowing--and that He was a witness to all things from the beginning of time. 
     It's true that we may know a lot of things about the Holy Spirit.  We may know that His main job is to reveal Jesus. We may know that He dwells on the inside of us. But the fact of our knowing will have little effect on our behavior and our life unless we know him as a living Person.
      If it is gifts we want, we'll do what we can to obtain those gifts. If it's power that we're after, we will do what we can to obtain power.  If it's wisdom or whatever we may be desirous of, we will do what we can to add it to our life. If the Holy Spirit is power, we'll be proud to have it and feel superior to those who do not. 
     But:  If the Holy Spirit is our Best Friend, if He's "the most important Person," enormous changes will take place in our lives.
     So why should we know Him as a witness? Because there is no other way to know all the things that God has prepared for those that love Him (1 Cor. 2:9).  There is no other way to know intimately that we are the children of God (Rom.8:16).  There is no other way to know that through the process of the Abrahamic covenant and what we now know as the "new and living way," God has "perfected forever" those that are sanctified (Heb.10:14-15).  
     The Holy Spirit is our personal Witness to the fact that this has taken place. If we know Him as a Person, we will depend on Him as we would our best friend, who would stand up and testify on our behalf in court, having sworn under oath that everything that he was a witness to is the whole truth and nothing but the truth!   We know that about the Holy Spirit, because He is the Spirit of truth. 

To be continued